Lambskin Dildo Sex Toys (Review & Thoughts)

In today’s dildo review, we’re going to discuss the lambskin dildo here, which is the most statistically average penis I could find on the internet and have shipped to my house. So, let’s go. All right. So, in this episode, we’re reviewing the small lambskin dildo, which’s also known as Seductive silicone, a white, five-inch dildo with balls. This lambskin dildo is sold by premium dildos and is currently out of stock. I’ll include a link in case you want to just have a look at him. Lambskin dildos are made out of 100% medical-grade silicone, which means it’s completely body-safe, but you’d better not put silicone lube anywhere near him. Seriously, silicone on silicone? Terrible idea. This little bugger will melt faster than the Wicked Witcher of the West with a bottle of water dumped on her. I’ve had this happen. It’s terrible. Trust me. It was intended as a penetrative dildo and comes with a suction cup that makes him harness compatible. So, if you want to use him in a strap-on or in any harness like that, this will hold him pretty steady.

You can also use the suction cup to suction him to doors, walls, cars, the side of your tub, and your annoying roommate’s forehead. Seriously, it’s a really good suction cup, and it’ll hold up through damn near anything. I’m not responsible for what you do once you suction him to things, but it’s a really good suction cup. All right, buddy. The lambskin dildo is 6 inches from the tip of his glands to the bottom of his suction cup. It has roughly a 5-inch penetrative length, and it’s 4.5 inches in circumference. These are all important measurements, I promise. It weighs roughly 5 ounces. So why are these measurements important? The Lambskin dildo here is the metric by which I’m going to give you a sense of scale for every other toy that I review. Because in a situation like this, it can be hard to figure out, okay, is she tiny or is that toy really that big? So, with this dildo, is our standard. This article was originally published in the British Journal of Urology International. Now, Now, because it synthesized 15 previous papers, the sample size was 15,521 cis males worldwide.

Why is this important? We have an incredibly diverse sample size to let us figure out what the average male measurements are. So, with that said, the average male measurement is roughly 5.16 inches long, and that is from the pubic bone to the tip of the glands along the top of the penis, and 4.5 inches in girth, measured either at the base or halfway up the shaft. The researchers determined that the two were roughly equal. And the lambskin dildo here, five inches versus 5.16, is close enough for government work. A four-and-a-half-inch circumference versus 4.59 inches is close enough. So, if you’re wondering what average looks like, we got it. Now, that’s not to say that Joe is in any way mediocre. The lambskin dildo is a nice dick. I was pleasantly surprised. I’m a size queen. This dildo is nice because it’s silicone material, he’s textured, but he’s not textured in a way that gets rough or painful after a while. Well, his flesh tone is surprisingly natural-looking. Good enough for camera work. And he holds lube well without getting tacky. Also, because of the nice natural shape, and the way that the head is textured, it’s amazing for G-Spot or prostate stimulation.

So, if you’re new to penetration, or maybe you’re just not a size queen, there’s nothing wrong with that. Trust me, lambskin dildos are a really good toy. I bought this lambskin dildo from fun dildos at the link below:

and I’m probably going to keep it around even if I stop doing videos because it’s just an amazing run-of-the-mill toy. So, with that said, my lovely average little companion is getting a solid five out of five fancy mustaches. I’d recommend him. Feel free to give the lambskin dildo a try and if you do, drop me a line in the comments. Let me know what you think. As always, please remember to subscribe. I’m going to review some pretty cool shit, and I’d hate it if you missed it.